Oral sessions will be held on-site and online by using Zoom as the platform.
Please install the latest version of the Zoom app (free) on your computer in advance. Although Zoom works
on a browser, the use of the app is strongly recommended to avoid trouble. Each online presenter is
kindly asked to test the connection, microphone, camera, and screen sharing during the break just before
the session. Timer display will be shown on the zoom window.
Submission of pre-recorded video is not required for both on-site and online oral presenters.
The following equipment is ready at each session room during ICAR2023.
Audio-Visual Equipment
*LCD projector
*PC (laptop computer, Windows 10 Professional) with PowerPoint 2019 and PDF Adobe Reader DC
Login ID and Password for the conference platform have been sent individually to participants who
have already registered and completed the payment via mail from the email address
noreply.confit@atlas.jp with the subject of either
“[ICAR2023] Online program (registration No.)” or
“Notice of login information for Confit online program“
Please note that each oral presentation including discussions will be recorded for streaming after the conference, so that the movies will be available for participants in different time zones. The movies will be open to registered participants only.
Timer can be seen from the stage. Duration of each talk and QA will be allocated by session chairs in advance.
On-site oral presenters are asked to bring their presentation files with own USB thumb drive. Please copy your presentation file to the PC in the PC center where our staffs would be supporting. The file must be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat on Microsoft Windows indicated above.
If you prefer to use your own PC, please bring your own PC. In this case, connection to the projector must be tested before your session starts. You are requested to bring necessary adapters to connect the HDMI cable (there are no adapters available at the conference site).
Please be sure to test and check all the presentation slides in advance to make sure they work properly. It is the presenter’s responsibility to prepare their presentation files either in your own PC connected to the projector or using the PC center.